Monday 17 December 2018

Image result for third sunday of advent
Last math test before the Christmas holidays. Tomorrow your test will be on translations.

Grade 4:

  • translate (slide) a shape from one space to another (follow a translations rule to move up or down and left or right) 
  • identify the translation rule (how a shape translated from one space to another). You must also write the coordinates where you end up. 
  • given the end coordinates and the translation rule, give the starting coordinates

Pretty straightforward.

Extra practice:

Grade 5:

  • translate a shape by translating each of the vertices. 
  • draw a translation arrow
  • identify the translation rule by using the starting and ending location

Extra practice:

Bonus Question:

We also talked a bit about decimals and expressed them in standard form, expanded forms, words, base-ten blocks and on a number line. We will continue practicing decimals for the rest of the week.

You will be given time to complete your comparison charts on "The Grinch" tomorrow. Keep thinking of similarities and differences between the two movies and the message of the story.

The third Sunday of Advent we light the pink candle, rejoice, Jesus is almost here. It is also called Gaudete Sunday (gaudete means rejoice in Latin).

Image result for third sunday of advent

We continued our discussion on John the Baptist today. Many followers John baptized asked him how they can prepare for the Messiah. Do you remember what John told them. It's very similar to what we do today during Advent.

Related image

Have all your materials at school on Wednesday to construct your instruments. You must be able to change the PITCH and VOLUME of your instrument (s).

Remember.... thinner and shorter vibrate faster (higher pitch).... thicker and longer vibrate slower (lower pitch).

Many upcoming events this week. Please look at the dates to the left of this post. 


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