Thursday 13 December 2018

A fantastic morning watching "The Grinch" at the movie theatre. Most students recognized differences between the original cartoon and this movie. A few new characters and some twists in the plot. Thank you to all parents, family and friends who came and watched.

Today we began linking fractions to decimals. We talked about tenths and the tenths place. We will continue with decimals and fractions until the holidays.

Quiz on coordinates tomorrow.

Grades 4 and 5 (letter, number):

  • Place objects in locations on a grid
  • Tell location of objects on a grid
  • Tell how to move from one location to another


Grade 5

  • Locate coordinates
  • Use coordinates to describe shapes 
  • Moving using north, south, east and west

There are some review sheets (green) in your red duotang and some lessons from the textbook. 

Grinch Day tomorrow.
Image result for grinch clipart

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