Thursday 8 November 2018

In grade four we continued discussing quadrilaterals. Special quadrilaterals have specific properties. Here is a summary of what we know:

How many different names can we give a square? rectangle? rhombus? parallelogram?

There are three types of trapezoids:

Image result for types of trapezoids
Right trapezoids have 2 right angles, isosceles have 2 equal sides. All trapezoids have only one pair of parallel sides.

A kite is not included in the chart above. A kite is a quadrilateral with adjacent sides equal and their diagonals cross that right angles. You can have a regular looking kite and a concave kite. See the link below for more information.

In grade 5 we classified angles based on length of sides. 

Image result for types of triangles by side length
You must be able to classify triangles based on angle size AND side lengths. For example in class we constructed a right angled isosceles triangle.

For the quiz tomorrow:
Grade 4: 
Naming and drawing benchmark angles
Comparing benchmark angles to benchmark angles
Constructing shapes using benchmark angles
Knowing the degree measurements of benchmark angles.

Grade 5:
Construct angles in polygons using a protractor
Measure angles in polygons using a protractor
Classify angles based on their size.

Today we talked about the third thing that can happen when sound hits a material. The sound can be reflected. The sound you hear when sound is reflected is an echo. We also looked at a few animals that use reflected sound to navigate and / or find their prey. This is called echolocation. 

Videos from today:

Our last two topics will be volume and frequency. Stay tuned next week.....

We have a mass in the afternoon so we will have to move our presentations to Monday.

Remembrance Day
Today we discussed the different forms of media, audience, purpose and message.

We watched some very powerful videos about Remembrance Day. Share with a parent the message of these media presentations.

Mass tomorrow afternoon.
Image result for remembrance day clipart

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