Monday 15 October 2018

Please set a next step after looking at your Patterns Test. Return your assessment folder signed. We will have one more test on patterning next week.

Complete any Mathletics assignments.

Today we talked about the Apostle Creed. Remember the words in the video clip. Don't just say it (like a robot), pray it and live it.

Tomorrow we will continue finding phrases and passages in the Bible that relate to phrases in the Apostles' Creed.

Image result for apostles creed
Image result for apostles creed
A little video clip about the Dead Sea Scrolls:

Today we talked about compound sentences. Compound sentences are two simple sentences joined by a FANBOYS. What are FANBOYS?
Image result for fanboys
Remember, a simple sentence can have a compound subject and/or a compound predicate.  Watch the video for clarification:

Tomorrow we will write Halloween themed simple and compound sentences. Remember simple sentences can still be descriptive. Simple doesn't necessary mean easy.

Social Studies
Some groups have completed their short research about London. Here are the questions if you'd like to find the answers at home or ask family members:

  • What is our municipality type? Are we part of an upper-tier municipality? If so, which one? 
  • What are the geographic borders of our municipality? Where is London located?
  • What are some major landforms in our municipality? (at least 3 different ones) 
  • What are some attractions or landmarks in our municipality? (at least 3 different ones) 
  • What are some services and programs provided by our municipality? (at least 3 different ones)
You are using your gathered information to write an expository paragraph on London.

Test on Wednesday. Study using outline posted on blog on the weekend (duotang and textbook).

Media Presentation
Please share your slide show with me. So far I have been taking volunteers. After the volunteers have presented, students will be chosen randomly. Remember, this is an media AND oral communication assessment. Rubrics were posted on the weekend.

Outline (post on September 22)
Create a slide show that shows who you are:
  • Interests
  • Learning Style
  • Accomplishments
  • Values
  • Strengths
  • Influences

Possible things to include:
Photos, videos, pictures, symbols, words and phrases, music.....

Here are just some different learning styles:
Image result for learning styles for kids
You can also be a combination of different learning styles!

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